The Sacrilegious Scorn

The world of this day worries me in many ways especially christianity not because of it itself but how it is being presented. And the biggest eyesore is that of christians inability to step forward and speak to the people that need God the most. Have they really forgotten how powerful there enemy really is? do they realize how it is ever growing? or is it not "worthy" of their concern?

(What I say next is not meant to be personalized for each person, I'm speaking about something as a whole)

Right now I am very disgusted with christianity's arrogance and pride thinking they can just walk up to people and "witness" to them, while this may be true for individuals it is not true on a worldwide basis. For most people you have know something about what they themselves believe in before you can try open their eyes, because people in many cases don't want their eyes opened. Basically this is not a job for over zealous bible thumpers out to put a mark on their "spiritual" checklist or on their consciences. It is a job for people who are flexible, people oriented, adaptable and most of all respectful. I think one thing churches don't indoctrine their followers with is that the world has a mind of its on and can make up explanations to almost everything even as the world get "dummer" it is also getting "smarter".
A word of advice to christians most of all, you are not the only religion wanting converts there are THOUSANDS.

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