The wait seems like forever my heart feels like its an endless endeavor.
The weather is in upheaval the flowers can’t make up there minds.
Her temper is like the cycle of the seasons for me it has no rime or reason.
It’s such a bitter little flower that I look upon with such love.
It’s pain and fear writ alight its blossom like the smear of teary eyed mascara.
The sweet violence that she breeds in my mind I love and keep.
In the watch tower of my heart lie quiet with the clockwork of each passing day.
The inner workings of my soul like a huge tower ominous and empty wishing to filled.
It’s hollowness rings of loneliness of an emptiness that few ever know.
Her face never leaves me through all storms and fires.
She is the only one whose pain I hear for her all my soul holds dear.
She cuts through the air like the sound of thunder but has touch of a gentle breeze.
For her I would give up my own body just to see a smile dance across her tired eyes.
I would wait a thousand years just to hear that voice. I would wait for all eternity.