I have never met a person that comes even close to fathoming the pain I feel, standing in a sea of people who don't care about anyone but themselves, and yet they can't understand why they feel so alone. The jaded sexist misogynistic sycophants are the worst of these, puffing up their ego constant and inflating their egos with a void of meaningless thoughts, both women and men fill this category no excuses no "but I'm different then them!". They all say the same things while running to nowhere.
I have been reduced to a muttering wreck because all that the people around wish to do is manipulate me and I'm trying to so hard to thing for myself but can't because people and their opinions on all the useless drivel they can think of is screaming to head, I now understand why so many have put a bullet through their heads, its all just a game of cat and mouse with my sanity.
Alas what's the point? for life in general is worthless and people spend their entire life lying to themselves that they actually mean something in the world, sadly its just a huge combine harvesting what is beneficial to it and killing the rest.
I knew from shortly after the time I met her family that they did not have any respect for her or her desires for her future. I tried to support her in every way that I could. For the most part, the summer went well we seemed to be doing ok, a few odd occurrences where she had to help me.
We made it all the way into the Christmas season and things were becoming tense, though not because of me exactly, her whole family was coming to town. I knew it was very important to her, especially seeing her brother and sister. I seemed to be out of place, I did my best to be come and polite to everyone, including her. Sometime after that I came over one day to just drop a cookie I had made especially for her, it was really big and took an entire plate to carry. I figured it might cheer her up, unfortunately when I got there, the family had already made plans, I didn't want to intrude, but her father ended up asking me if I wanted to see a movie with the my then girlfriend, I of course in my right mind would never refuse the invitation to spend time with her. Her step brother asked me what movie would be a good choice, and I suggested a movie, but that wasn't to my girlfriends liking, and she brooded over it the rest of the day, I felt guilty for intruding yet again, and I told her I was sorry, and all she needed to do was tell me that she wanted to go with her family and that I should go home, I would have had no quarrel with it anyways. It felt like after that happened she started avoiding me based on assumptions she had made about me. It didn't really bother me at the time, but when something is going wrong in a relationship, silence is like ringing in the ears. I lashed out verbally about exactly how I felt about her parents treatment of her, and if she kept listening to them how she would grow up to be nothing more then a puppet. What I said must have struck a cord of truth because from then on she couldn't look me in the eyes. I told her "one day you'll regret it." and this was of course assumed as a threat on her life, by none other then her parents.
So now I sit waiting for the answers to a simple question, that may never come.
I am quickly losing faith in this world, its lackluster existence, everyone scratching about in their greed hollowing out anyone who might stand between them and avarice. Money is to much of on object, it binds even me with unfair circumstance.
All I want is to feel alive for this incredibly limited time I have on this earth.
Life has been rather interesting of late, national economy sinking, earthquakes everywhere, stupid school antics. I was under the assumption most of my life that I should listen to other people and not choose for myself, but unfortunately that's not how the world works. I've been called selfish, cruel, deceiving, and stupid (but calling me deceptive completely negates the latter).
All I really care about is what is important solely to me and no one else, that doesn't mean I ignore other people or what they want but we live in a society of survivalists (e.i. if you don't keep your wits about you and your above the torrent of peer pressures you in essence die to yourself).
As a early teenager nothing made sense. Bodily changes, social awkwardness, family—all complicated my frame of mind. People like to sugar coat the idea but the only true way to learn something is to fail at it first and learn from your mistakes so that you do not repeat them. I failed so badly in my first love, I gave everything away kept nothing for myself and in the end was left hanging by a noose. So it makes it very obvious why I do not put others first in my life.
I don't really get angry anymore just annoyed which in turn eventually turns to complete apathy. I never strove to be part of a click or a group because I never really needed people in the first place, not mention all the fair-weather friends.

It was fucking amazing. I heard about it at 12:30am and was exstatic. I arrived late around 1:30ish and met up with John and got my ticket. From there I went to the second stage where Whitechapel came out with guns blazing!! It was an awesome start to an amazing day! I had never heard of them before Mayhem but they were freaking awesome!!! Job For A Cowboy came next and they were just as bad ass! I got in the mosh pit for a bit. But the real highlight of my day was the Polish metal masters Behemoth. They were the best musically wise. The opened it up with Slaves Shall Serve and the mosh pit was a riot for a while.
Not long after I got in line and got a photo with them ^_^ it was living the dream! I will remember for a very long time :)
All That Remains played not long after and put on a fucking killer show of love their singers' sense of humor. "I see a bunch of pussies, no wait its raining so your a bunch of wet pussies! now fucking and form a motherfucking pit!" I also liked their bassist :D
after a brief hiatus to stop by and say hello to Killswitch engage and shake their hands I moved toward the main stage where the tech crew was preparing for Bullet For My Valentines opening act. I have know complaints they were fucking insane!!! The guitars solos were excruciatingly crazy and they played even heavier live then on the CD's.
Killswitch Engage single handed stole the show with the pyrotechnics and awesome performances the played all my favorite songs and then some @.@ its was unbelievable. The wall of death form during Rose of Shayrn like I've never seen :D Holy Diver was insane because they made the solos even more crazy then normal :D
Slayer wasn't all that bad but they had long songs and didn't interact with the crowd as much as the past 2 bands did but over all fucking awesome \m/
Marilyn Manson was another of the days surprises. Keeping us on the edge of our seats with We're From America the intro was fucking awsome! I heard quite a few of my favorite songs including The Dope Show, Antichrist Superstar, and The Beautiful People. He by far put on the best show with insane lighting and good crowd involvement :D this day was the best :)

The wait seems like forever my heart feels like its an endless endeavor.
The weather is in upheaval the flowers can’t make up there minds.
Her temper is like the cycle of the seasons for me it has no rime or reason.
It’s such a bitter little flower that I look upon with such love.
It’s pain and fear writ alight its blossom like the smear of teary eyed mascara.
The sweet violence that she breeds in my mind I love and keep.
In the watch tower of my heart lie quiet with the clockwork of each passing day.
The inner workings of my soul like a huge tower ominous and empty wishing to filled.
It’s hollowness rings of loneliness of an emptiness that few ever know.
Her face never leaves me through all storms and fires.
She is the only one whose pain I hear for her all my soul holds dear.
She cuts through the air like the sound of thunder but has touch of a gentle breeze.
For her I would give up my own body just to see a smile dance across her tired eyes.
I would wait a thousand years just to hear that voice. I would wait for all eternity.

Life life life..................who lives it anymore? barely anybody really because everyone is trying to copy everyone else...its the stupidest most vicious cycle known to man. Individuality check people?????? What happened to being happy with yourself? and being proud of who you are? I would love to hear otherwise. Everyone is trying to fit in some label or get rid of one o_O and trends I mean come on! we just copying what came before us the retro stuff of the 60's, 70's and 80's is just being reapplied to a newer crowd. Are clothing is a great example none of it is really new its just variations on a patterns that may be even 20 years old, while America is unsteady about this subject you will notice that European cars have changed little since the the 50's slowly just building and adding on to what they already have, trust me this repetition gets old. I don't dress for a label atleast not anymore because the whole label criterion is a bunch of BS and it to quickly stereotyping people and never giving a chance at individuality. I can say that making up your own outfits out of different elements is fun and its awsome because its you! but even better when you actually make your own designs and create something because its like art nobody will make something like it(though they may try to copy it). So for all those lonely ones out there be happy with yourself stop depend on the world around you for approval think for yourself!

Worst of all is mental abuse because though it does not invade a person body it invades the mind, and in my observation the mind is the most fragile. I seen this in about 3 different cases one happens to be very close to me, what happens when someone is physically abused is much different then when the abuse is only targeted at the person's mind. A big factor in all of this is that it takes much longer to take over someones mind than there body. The end result being that the victim is completely helpless and even when they torn down they still come running back. Its hurts me some much to be in some of these situations because most of the time the victims don't even realize they are the victims, because it has gone on for so long that they can't ever remember thinking for themselves.
Lucky for some of us we grew up in families with heads on there bodies and treated us like normal growing children and adolescents. But the sad fact is for every child that grows in a healthy family there are 6 more children that grow up in an dangerous home.
for example in the US alone
- An estimated 906,000 children are victims of abuse & neglect every year. The rate of victimization is 12.3 children per 1,000 children
- Children ages 0-3 are the most likely to experience abuse. About 1 in 50 U.S. infants are victims of nonfatal child abuse or neglect in a year, according to the first national study of the problem in that age group done by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention along with The Federal Administration for Children and Families.
- 1,500 children die every year from child abuse and neglect. That is just over 4 fatalities every day.
- 79% of the children killed are younger than 4.
The consequences of this:
- 80% of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least 1 psychiatric disorder at the age of 21 (including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, & post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy
- 1/3 of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children
So if anybody thinks that this doesn't mean anything that they should be shot. It needs to stop but at the rate of down fall in our world today there is nothing we can do but save as many as we can and hope for the best.

- fashion (1)
- life (1)
- philosophy (1)
- Spring (1)